
JAKARTA - Being successful is everyone's dream. No doubt, many people work desperately to achieve success and only stop after the dream is successfully grasped. However, what happens if you do not have a sense of satisfaction even though success has been achieved? If this is what is being felt, then it is possible that you are an overachiever.

Overachiever according to Alodokter, Wednesday, July 20, is a nickname for someone who is never satisfied with achievements, does not like criticism, does not like failure, and justifies any means to complete tasks and achieve their goals. An overachiever is always oriented towards the end result rather than the process.

An overachiever is often seen as a workaholic who is ignorant of himself and his surroundings. Sometimes, this attitude can seem positive. Unfortunately, if this is done continuously, the overachiever will be vulnerable to physical and mental health problems.

Someone with this attitude is not only ambitious, but also wants to always work, is always overshadowed by the fear of failure, and is ignorant of himself and his environment. In addition, an overachiever will also have the following characteristics, adapted from Very Well Family.


An overachiever sometimes really cares about perfection. For him imperfection is a sign of failure. So he will try hard to maintain the perfectionist image that is in him.

Actually, being a perfectionist isn't all that bad. You can be committed to doing things well. It's just that it's considered negative if perfectionist behavior actually becomes a source of stress and anxiety so that it has an impact on physical and mental well-being.

Frequent self-criticism

Self-criticism is a natural thing that everyone does. However, overachievers have a tendency to berate themselves when they fail to live up to unreasonably high expectations. No wonder the overachiever is prone to anxiety and stress. Due to constantly striving to achieve near-impossible goals. Coupled with the fear of failure that is always there.

Just focus on the future

Because they don't want to fail, the overachiever will prepare for the future well. As a result, he can't enjoy the things that are happening right now because he's too busy worrying about what's to come.

Difficult to control emotions

The demand to achieve dreams beyond expectations can create great stress. So emotional outbursts can occur when things don't go according to plan. It's normal that you occasionally lose your temper. But, if a little flick can make your anger peak, it's a sign that you are being too hard on yourself.

It's hard to accept other people's criticism

An overachiever will find it difficult to accept criticism. Criticism implies failure and failure is the overachiever's greatest fear. If you are stressed when you receive criticism, even the slightest criticism, it may be a sign that you are an achiever.

Motivated by fear

There are many sources of motivation that can compel people to work towards goals. However, overachievers are often motivated by fear. Fear of failure, fear of disappointing others, or fear of appearing weak or incompetent.

This type of motivation serves as a source of anxiety. The overachiever chooses to work hard to avoid negative results (failure) rather than achieve positive results (achieve the desired goal).

This kind of avoidance-based behavior often causes distress, worry, and negative feelings. All of which can have a negative impact on your self-esteem and self-confidence.

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