
JAKARTA - Sirajuddin Mahmud is being sued by a model from Yogyakarta, Veranosiliyana or Inez. This woman stated that she had a child from Sirajuddin who was the husband of Zaskia Gotik.

Indra Tarigan as a legal practitioner said that Inez had spoken to him about this lawsuit. However, this lawsuit was actually registered by Inez on June 20 to the Cikarang District Court.

“Actually, I already knew because Inez's lawyer had called me to solve this case. 2 years ago, he contacted me for the same case,” said Indra Tarigan to VOI today, Tuesday, July 19.

He explained that two years ago, Inez said that she was acquainted with Sirajuddin. At that time the two had an intimate relationship and made her pregnant. Inez also knows that Zaskia Gotik is pregnant with her first child with Sirajuddin.

Almost a month since the lawsuit was issued, Sirajuddin and Zaskia Gotik have not spoken about this case. Indra also advised to let the court's lawsuit do the talking.

"Two years ago (Inez) spoke to me demanding 3.5 billion. I don't know what the basis is. What is the 7.5 billion now for? What are your evidences? Are there witnesses? Has anyone seen the relationship," said Indra.

“The evidence is too premature and weak. I saw it must be lost. But we don't know the result, if the court grants it and asks for a DNA test, yes," he explained.

Indra Tarigan feels sorry for Zaskia Gotik because she is pregnant while Inez is present in the midst of Zaskia and Sirajuddin.

“I feel sorry for Zaskia Gotik because I know she is pregnant. As a woman, you should (Inez) think logically, so at least you know yourself," he said.

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