
YOGYAKARTA – Panic attacks or panic attacks are often misunderstood. This condition is often mistaken for an anxiety attack. However, the two conditions are different.

Anxiety attacks, reported by Healthline, Monday, July 18, are defined as general psychiatric disorders. Meanwhile, panic attacks that come on suddenly, will involve intense fear and are often difficult to control.

Panic attacks, accompanied by very significant physical symptoms. Such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, to nausea. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), panic attacks are categorized as unexpected attacks and tend to be unexpected. In fact, panic attacks are also not caused by one thing that is clear. Generally caused by an external stressor, such as a phobia.

Signs of a panic attack, identified by certain symptoms such as feeling worried, difficulty focusing, fear. Usually anxiety is related to anticipation of stressful situations, experiences, or events. This may come gradually.

Symptoms of anxiety, also experienced varied. When a person describes having an 'anxiety attack' and having symptoms that the other person has never experienced despite having the same 'anxiety attack'.

bedanya serangan panik dan serangan kecemasan
Illustration of the difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks (iStockphoto)

Why are anxiety attacks and panic attacks often considered the same thing? Both have many emotional and physical symptoms. In fact, these two types of attacks can be experienced simultaneously. For example, when a person may experience anxiety while worrying about a potentially stressful situation, such as an important presentation at work. When the situation is different, anxiety can lead to panic attacks.

Symptoms of a panic attack that coincides with an anxiety attack include experiencing restlessness, emotional worry, fear, loss of control, a sense of detachment from the world, faster heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, dry mouth, sweating, chills, shaking, numbness or tingling, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, to fainting.

A significant difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks, anxiety is usually associated with something perceived as stressful or threatening. While panic is not always caused by stressors. Panic attacks often appear suddenly.

The difference again, anxiety attacks can be experienced when doing daily activities. But panic attacks are mostly associated with severe and bothersome symptoms. When experiencing a panic attack, the fight-or-flight response generally takes over.

Panic attacks also often involve avoiding or staying away from situations where a person may be at risk of having a panic attack. Common triggers of panic attacks, too, are unexpected. But most often related to stressful work, driving on the highway, social situations, to experiencing phobias. A person with memories of a traumatic experience can also trigger a panic attack. Other things externally can also affect, such as caffeine, medications and supplements, and thyroid problems.

To confirm a panic attack or anxiety attack, the doctor will perform a diagnosis through a physical examination, blood tests, heart tests, and psychological evaluations.

Treatment is done clinically, namely counseling and psychotherapy. When experiencing anxiety or panic attacks, it can be overcome immediately by taking deep breaths with a slow count tempo, practicing mindfulness, practicing relaxation techniques, managing stress, stopping negative thoughts, exercising regularly, and practicing meditation or yoga.

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