
YOGYAKARTA – Nasal congestion is often experienced by sufferers of rhinitis or sinusitis. Both have the same symptoms, but are fundamentally different. Launching the WHO page, rhinitis and sinusitis are distinguished based on symptoms, causes, and how to treat them.

Difference between rhinitis and sinusitis based on the symptoms

Rhinitis is an allergy, also known as fever, that occurs when you inhale something you are allergic to. When inhaled, the inside of the nose becomes inflamed and swollen. While sinusitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the sinuses that is acute or chronic.

When the sinuses become blocked and fill with fluid, germs can grow, causing symptoms including headaches and yellowish nasal discharge. Sinus congestion can be caused by a cold, fever, or nasal polyps. Nasal polyps are small lumps in the nose.

Are rhinitis and sinusitis related?

These two non-communicable diseases are interrelated. Because when allergic rhinitis causes nasal congestion. As a result, it blocks the sinuses, causing a runny nose, fever, or nasal polyps. Well, the difference is again, if the secretions in sinusitis are yellowish, the secretions in rhinitis are more fluid and clear.

penyebab, gejala, perbedaan antara rhinitis dan sinusitis
Illustration of causes, symptoms, difference between rhinitis and sinusitis (iStockphoto)
Causes of rhinitis and sinusitis

Allergic rhinitis is triggered by allergens. Allergens can be found indoors or outdoors. When allergic rhinitis is caused by an outdoor allergy, it can be mold or tree, grass, and weed pollen. This is known as seasonal allergies or hay fever.

Rhinitis can also be triggered by allergens found in the home. Such as animal dander, indoor mold, mites, or indoor dust. There are three classifications of this disease, namely mild, moderate, and severe which are influenced by the intensity of symptoms and their impact on quality of life.

Sinusitis, usually caused by infection. Sometimes, sinus congestion and inflammation associated with rhinitis can lead to sinusitis. Therefore, when experiencing sinusitis not only nasal congestion. But also has a fever, headache, and pressure in the sinuses.

How to treat rhinitis and sinusitis

In acute sinusitis, does not require specific treatment because it will heal by itself. Meanwhile, in chronic sinusitis, may require antibiotics, decongestants, or steroid spray in the nose. While treating allergic rhinitis, in a way that is not much different from treating sinusitis but requires medical diagnosis and action from a doctor.

To anticipate experiencing seasonal rhinitis, you can keep the room free of dust or other allergens. It is also necessary to maintain the humidity of the room, such as by using a humidifier.

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