
JAKARTA- Soloist Mighfar Suganda has released a new single titled Dead Soul In A Living Body on July 15 yesterday. The continuation of the Drown Eyes story is a song about a person who drowns because of his own tears.

Dead Soul In A Living Body tells how the man who has drowned will feel a phase of numbness, even though he is trying to move on and move on with life.

Still carrying the theme of the quarter life crisis, this time themed on feelings of emptiness, monotony and complaints in living life.

In the production process, this demo song was originally a folk pop genre such as Payung Teduh. However, after Mighfar gave a touch of drums, strings, electric guitar, and piano, the song turned to indie/bedroom pop.

According to an official statement received by VOI, the background that inspired the creation of Dead Soul In A Living Body was Mighfar Suganda's feelings during his first job after graduating from college.

"I'm lucky enough to receive a big salary at such a young age, but I feel something is missing and empty with what he's been doing so far," said Mighfar Suganda.

Dead Soul In A Living Body is the sixth track to be released in 2022. It's getting closer to the album Meanor, which will be followed by short films and music videos.

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