
JAKARTA - Pusakata's 2020 Time Machine journey has come to an end. Marked by the emergence of the song Asking Yourself as the last single in a series of nine singles released regularly since December 2019.

However, there is still one new single that has not been released yet and one song recorded live on the beach of Belitung Island which also fills the list of songs in the 2020 Time Machine album.

In the process of making all the works on the 2020 Time Machine album, Pusakata involved many art workers including musicians Fadly "Padi", Aksan Sjuman, Gusti Hendy "Gigi", Inis, Adhitya Pratama, Enrico Octaviano, Budi Rahardjo, and Sadrach Lukas.

In addition, he also collaborated with Garis Edelweiss to create the cover art, Dek Lestari for the artwork and music video for Dunia Batas, and Johanes Simon as director for four music videos set in the beautiful nature of Sumba in East Nusa Tenggara.

As a result, the singles Waiting Room, Dunia Batas, and Asking Yourself were popular on various digital platforms.

Originally, the 2020 Time Machine album would be released in 2021, but it could only be implemented in June 2022 so that it could be accompanied by a tour of five major islands in Indonesia.

In each of his explorations in various cities in Indonesia later, Puskata will bring along a CD. However, the CDs that are brought on tour will be slightly different from those that will be on the market.

Time Machine 2020 will be a very special journey for Pusakata. Therefore, the owner of the real name Mohammad Istiqamah Djamad wants to spend time with his listeners by telling stories and reciting stanzas on the 2020 Time Machine Exploration tour series.

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