
JAKARTA - Being a parent is certainly a priceless happiness for every individual. Just imagine how nice it will be to watch your little ones grow every day, play, or teach them new things. But on the other hand, this new life also brings exhausting consequences for parents.

Christine Skoutelas, who writes extensively on parenting in her articles in Your Tango, says there are at least a few reasons why parenting is more tiring than previously thought.

Never sleep well

When your child is still a baby, the parent's portion of sleep will be less than before. They will be awake every two to three hours when your little one cries to put him back to sleep. This phase will still continue when the child gets older, only with different problems. For example, a toddler will wake you up from bedwetting in the middle of the night.

Is it over when the child is a teenager? It's not completely over, because you might still be wondering whether your little teenager will sneak away with his friends. Then, when they're students, you wonder if they're okay with life.

No holidays

When you work and feel tired or not feeling well, you will usually take time off or a day off to rest. But what about when you become a parent and have to babysit? The answer will be no day off for that. Food still needs to be served, laundry still needs to be cleaned, children also have to get lots of love all the time.

Brain overload

There was a lot of chatter that never ended. There are so many questions to be answered or explained when your little one points to something while asking, 'What is this?', 'Why is that,' or 'How come?'. There is also the whining of the little one asking or even protesting something they don't like. All of this is a fact that every second of parenthood is full of endless questions and responses to answer them.

So many things need to be cleaned

Of course everyone needs to clean their house, but parents still have more to do with keeping the house clean and tidy. Bending, putting away, tidying, wiping, picking up toys, over and over again. As children get older, their belongings also increase. That means more things will be cleaned too.

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