
JAKARTA - Nathalie Holscher has opened up about her divorce lawsuit against Sule. She and her husband have agreed on the life and future of their child, Adzam.

"Insha Allah (already convinced of divorce). God willing. It's been a month since leaving the house," Nathalie Holscher tells Uya Kuya in the latest video.

Nathalie explained that she had thought about this decision for a long time. According to him, the current situation is not healthy for them not to talk even though they are in the same house. It was also the reason Nathalie left Sule's house.

He even said that Sule had contacted him to talk to Adzam. At that time, Nathalie said that she and Sule had never tried to discuss the problems between them.

"There has been an agreement to mutually take care of Adzam. Both take care and educate Adzam. The following is the month given to Adzam,” said Nathalie Holscher.

"He has also given a monthly nominal for Adzam. IDR 25 million per month. He is responsible," he said.

Nathalie Holscher did not forbid Sule and Sule's children to meet Adzam. He also advised the child not to hate his parents.

"If you want VC, video calls, want to communicate, please, I don't have anything forbidding. And I will later, later Adzam grow up, I also teach you never to hate your mother and papa," explained Nathalie.

Later, when Adzam is an adult, Nathalie also frees Adzam to choose his rights.

"Indeed, custody is with me, until he can choose his own rights." he continued.

Nathalie Holscher filed for divorce from Sule on July 3 yesterday after getting married on November 15, 2020. This was Nathalie's last point after experiencing a series of conflicts with Sule and her family.

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