5 Facts About Skin Tags, Know The Causes And How To Prevent Them
Illustration of skin tags, causes, how to remove and how to prevent (iStockphoto)


YOGYAKARTA – Skin tag is a small bump on the skin that when held does not feel pain or pain. The soft part usually lies hanging on certain parts of the body, especially the part of the skin that rubs against the skin or clothing.

Other names of skin tags, citing Medical News Today, Thursday, July 7, are acrochordon, cutaneous papilloma, cotaneous tag, fibroepithelial polyp, fibroma molluscum, fibroma pendulum, soft fibroma, and templeton skin tag. Is this growing meat dangerous? Check the facts about the skin tags below.

1. Commonly experienced in middle age

Skin tags are often experienced in middle age, both women and men. Skin tags are not dangerous even though they are considered benign tumors. It usually appears on skin folds, such as on the neck, armpits, around the groin, and under the breast. Reported by the NHS, skin tags can also be found on the eyelids or under the folds of the buttocks. Their color and size vary, ranging from a few millimeters to a width of 5 centimeters.

2. Skin tags are not contagious

Skin tags are clinically expressed as non-textured grow meat that is not contagious. It usually does not cause pain or discomfort. It's just that, it is often regarded as a condition that interferes with appearance.

skin tag, penyebab, cara menghilangkan, cara mencegah
Illustration of skin tags, causes, how to remove and how to prevent (iStockphoto)


3. Causes of skin tags

This small protruding part of the skin is formed due to loose collagen fibers and blood vessels surrounded by the skin. Collagen is a kind of protein found throughout the body. But those with obesity and type 2 diabetes, tend to find skin tags on their skin.

Experts suspect the cause of the skin tag, due to friction between the skins. This is why people with overweight have excess skin folds that trigger skin tags. However, until now, no factors have been found that are sure to cause skin tags.

In addition, skin tags can also be experienced due to heredity. In some cases, pregnant women also experience skin tags. Some other cases, are associated with hyperinsulinemia or a condition when there is too much insulin circulating in the blood. Risk factors that experience skin tags, can also be influenced by some types of human papilloma viruses or HPV, people with sex steroid imbalances especially if they experience changes in estrogen and progesterone levels, and high cholesterol levels.

4. How to get rid of skin tags

According to dermatological advice and medical experts, skin tags should not be removed on their own without medical measures. Although the skin tag is harmless and painless when held, but it can be very risky if removed on its own.

To get rid of the skin tag, the doctor will do several ways depending on the size. Medical procedures that are generally performed to remove skin tags, including cryosurgery, ligation, excision, and cauterization.

5. Can skin tags be prevented?

Because skin tags are related to the lifestyle that causes their appearance on the surface of the skin, changing the lifestyle is the right way to prevent it. At the very least, a person needs to maintain a healthy weight, get regular exercise, avoid jewelry and clothes that can rub against your skin.

Skin tags are common and can be removed with care. But it will probably grow back in a different area.

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