
JAKARTA - The separation of husband and wife does not always break family ties. Especially if there are children among them. Ussy Sulistiawaty has proven that her relationship with her ex-husband's extended family, Sugianto Sabran, has never been broken.

Ussy Sulistiawaty took her children on vacation to Kalimantan. Sugianto Sabran, who is now the Governor of Central Kalimantan, married Ussy in 2005. The marriage was blessed with a child named Syafa Al Zahra.

Ussy Sulistiawaty revealed that she still has a good relationship with her ex-husband's family. "Alhamdulillah yesterday, I and the crew arrived at Grandma's house in Pangkalan Bun, this plan was planned long ago as one of the fillings for the school holidays after yesterday and yesterday traveling from Malang, Bali, Singapore, Bali again, and now here ," wrote Ussy on Instagram quoted Tuesday, July 5.

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Ussy said that many netizens questioned this closeness. Andhika Ptrama's wife insists that their family relationship will never end.

"The family will remain family even if there is a broken paper relationship, but the brotherly relationship will always be there," he stressed.

This is not the first time Ussy has shown her closeness to her ex-husband's family. "A few years ago there was a full team with Pupuw too, but this time it's a shame Pupuw can't join because there is a work schedule that he can't skip. My children are lucky to have 3 grandmothers 3 grandfathers, although now it's not complete because the grandfather here has already did not exist 1.5 years ago," he said.

In his upload, Ussy Sulistiawaty is seen with her children and other families on a boat on the Arut River, one of the tourist destinations there.

For information, Ussy Sulistiawaty's ex-husband is a man known to the people of Central Kalimantan. Sugianto serves as the Governor of Central Kalimantan, he was a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the 2009-2014 period.

In addition, he is also known as a successful entrepreneur who oversees PT Tanjung Lingga, the largest palm oil company in Indonesia. The son of Dayak Ot Danum will become the Governor of Central Kalimantan for the second period, namely in 2021-2024.

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