YOGYAKARTA – The Nusantara Vaccine made by the former Minister of Health, Terawan Agus Putranto, claimed that the Nusantara Vaccine was effective against the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Even the vaccine does not need a third dose or booster injection to get a strong immune system from exposure to COVID-19. The third phase of the clinical trial was carried out by involving 1,800 subjects while waiting for the distribution permit for medical devices to make the Nusantara Vaccine from the Ministry of Health.
The Nusantara vaccine is a dendritic cell-based vaccine. Dendritic cells are the strongest Antigen Presenting Cell (APC) of the human body that plays a role in immunity. On the other hand, dendritic cells were tested at France's Vaccine Research Institute to combat HIV/AIDS. By stimulating dendritic cells, the immune system will be formed, reported by France Médias Monde, Monday, July 4.
The process is done by injecting the vaccine directly into the cells like a rocket. It then produces antibodies that attach to the HIV fragments.

"First we target the good cells, then we go after the pieces of the virus, in this case the HIV envelope that allows it to enter the body," said Professor Yves Levy, director of the research project.
Furthermore, dendritic cells are stimulated to form immunity. The target is good elements from good cells so they don't need large amounts of vaccine, Levy added.
Dendritic cells are shaped like plants or trees. These cells contribute to initiating an immune response that is able to adapt and change according to the threat. In HIV infection, dendritic cells are very important because they influence viral transmission and they can help modulate the antiviral response.
Clinical trials of the HIV/AIDS vaccine project have started in April 2021. Prior to its release, the third phase was carried out. In the first phase, the researchers tracked the tolerance level of the volunteers who took part in this study. According to reports, this phase also measures how well the vaccine produces immunity. The research also partners with the French National Agency for Research on AIDS (ANRS) and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm).
The trial involved 72 people. Researchers are also preparing a vaccine against the COVID-19 variant using the same research model. That is, the antibody is filled with material from the South African variant and the vaccine is injected into the dendritic cells to stimulate an immune response.
HIV prevention vaccine, research began in 2009. But according to professor of clinical immunology, Levy, its efficacy is only 30 percent. So far, about 170,000 people are infected with HIV in France. Every year 6,200 new cases are found. Antiretroviral drug treatment helps slow the progression of HIV and works against HIV/AIDS. But these drugs do not cure HIV/AIDS survivors. Hope scientists continue to do their best to prevent HIV and help treat it.
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