
YOGYAKARTA – Symptoms of trauma can be recognized by experiencing certain conditions, such as emotional dysregulation, general fear, and feelings of worthlessness. A recent study by psychologists Ashley Gulden and Len Jennings, explores whether yoga can serve as a way of healing.

For three months, researchers recruited participants with interpersonal trauma to practice yoga. Participants were asked to complete questions from an online survey and were asked open-ended questions to explore post-traumatic experiences. From this exploration, researchers found the effect of yoga on participants who had post-traumatic experiences. Here are the reasons why yoga can be considered a healer from trauma.

1. Cultivate awareness and spirituality

Study participants were asked to practice breathing, mindfulness, and meditation. They report the activity helps in the healing journey. The data show that there is a deep connection between trauma and the idea of greater power. With yoga, spiritual awareness grows and in reducing the symptoms of trauma.

penelitian tentang yoga untuk menyembuhkan trauma
Illustration of research on yoga to heal trauma (Unplash/JD Mason)
2. Improve mental and physical health

Changes in mind and body from practicing yoga lead to better sleep and lower stress. It can even be beneficial in lowering cholesterol. One of the study participants reported that physically experiencing changes for the better. These changes include feeling more balanced, stronger, and more physically flexible. According to him, the big lesson gained is to listen to your thoughts and feel yourself more.

3. More empowered, feel love, and self-acceptance

As a result of yoga practice, participants developed a more positive self-perception and greater acceptance. One of the participants reflected that yoga reminds that strength is within. He said again, sometimes trauma makes a person forget that they are strong. That way you feel more empowered and feel more love and affection.

4. Feel safe

Fear is a symptom of trauma. For trauma survivors, they have difficulty rebuilding a sense of security in their bodies. The participants in the study, found that yoga helps to regain a sense of security.

5. Be more aware of yourself

Study participants saw yoga as a form of self-care and a way to reset the mind and body. In fact, participants referred to certain yoga poses that can build self-awareness so that they are more aware of themselves. Reported by Psychology Today, Friday, July 1, yoga relies on breathing in every pose of movement. Breathing also helps trauma survivors to get through bad memories. Apart from that, yoga also helps improve mood which leads to inner renewal, happiness, joy which can improve relational relationships.

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