
YOGYAKARTA – Water is the healthiest drink. But if taken before bed, it doesn't just make the body healthier.

Water can meet the body's fluid needs if taken in the right dose. Many clinical experts recommend drinking at least eight glasses a day or as much as two liters of mineral water. It should be understood why you need to pay attention to how much water you can drink before going to bed.

Launching the Cleveland Clinic page, Thursday, June 30, sleep specialist Jessica Vensel Rundo, MD., MS., suggests not drinking large amounts of water before bed. Just a little bit, it's better.

Some experts recommend stopping drinking water two hours before bedtime. The goal is not to flood the body with extra fluids that cause your sleep to be disturbed because you have to urinate to the bathroom. But if you drink to reduce thirst or take medicine, a little is still okay.

“As a general rule, drink less than a glass of water in the last two hours before bed if necessary. And take a small sip,” advised doctor Vensel Rundo.

minum air putih sebelum tidur
Illustration of drinking water before bed (Unsplash/Manki Kim)

This rule also applies to other types of drinks, such as wine, juice, and tea. Stop drinking two hours before bed, it will be safer.

"This can start to disrupt your sleep and can make it difficult for you to fall back asleep," explains Vensel Rundo explaining why you should limit the number of drinks you drink before bed.

Worriedly, drinking a lot made her natural call to the bathroom more intense. This certainly cannot be denied unless it is prevented by limiting the amount of drinking water that is drunk. The reason is, lack of sleep is associated with infections, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight gain, and cancer.

Well, if in moderation, drinking water at night can still be useful. Because water is an important nutrient that keeps your body hydrated, lubricates joints, and breaks down a lot of waste in the body.

Vensel Rundo message, balancing is important. Especially if you don't want to go to bed thirsty and dry, but you also don't want urinating to interfere with sleep.

Drinking water before bed, is actually also beneficial. Benefits such as cleansing the body and helping regulate body temperature. So when is the right time to drink water? According to Vensel Rundo's explanation, there is no definite rule in a day when fluid intake can be met. But everyone needs to know when they feel thirsty and make sure to drink consistently.

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