What Is A Healthy Commitment In A Couple's Relationship? This Is What The Experts Say
Illustration of healthy commitment in a couple relationship (Unsplash/Artsy Vibes)


YOGYAKARTA – Couples who agree to have a love relationship, set boundaries by calling 'us' not 'me' and 'you'. Although everyone still has a subjective self, but the identity will be tied to one another. According to Maria L. Boccia, Ph.D., D.Min., LMFT., when couples make a commitment to each other, there is often a transition in the way they speak. Instead of a personal perspective to do this and that, be 'we'.

This is not just a grammatical change, but reflects a deep change in each person's partner. In 'us' grammar, partners become part of each other which is theoretically called self-expansion or the inclusion of another in oneself.

Healthy boundaries are selective, reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, June 30. Commitment is described when one another builds a unique entity with boundaries around themselves. Well, historically, commitment is formed when it has been recognized in society, such as with a wedding or other ceremony. But while not every couple is involved in public confession, they still make a commitment to each other.

komitmen yang sehat dalam hubungan berpasangan
Illustration of healthy commitment in a couple relationship (Unsplash/Freestocks)

In domestic relationships, sexual satisfaction contributes to the health and happiness of both partners. Although there are different ideas about whether a long-term relationship will increase or decrease sexual arousal and satisfaction. But family therapists often recommend adding new experiences to rekindle the passion of the relationship.

In a 2022 study by Pietras et al., every couple needs to participate in building marital satisfaction with various types of activities, including both participating in social groups. In the context of commitment, each partner needs to contribute to self-development.

The components in commitment, explains Boccia, are numerous. Including relational intimacy which not only learns how to negotiate conflict, but also contributes to the growth of togetherness.

From the explanation above, a healthy commitment primarily builds relational intimacy. While the elements that exist in the relationship need to be built by developing each other in a personal context and vision in the relationship.

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