
JAKARTA - Ruben Onsu told that he was again hospitalized. Previously he did regular health checks but one time, his blood continued to decrease.

“In this case, I prefer to go the medical route. As a result his blood continued to decrease. I have no other way, I have to go to the hospital," said Ruben Onsu.

Examination showed there were black spots on the brain that caused him to be deprived of blood. He was asked by the doctor to immediately perform a blood transfusion.

"Before I had an MRI, there are some that need to be studied further. There are spots on the brain that are said to be the brain if blood is greedy," explained Ruben Onsu.

"So if it enters the blood, it absorbs more. So it loses to what is in the body. So it is absorbed more in the brain," he said.

Therefore he had to do further tests and needed a blood bag. After getting four bags, Ruben Onsu thought he could go home.

"The first time there were four or five (bags), yesterday they added more. Yesterday, I was quite excited to get ready (to go home) but when I checked the blood again, "he said.

"From the blood that comes in, it's really unified or not. In fact, you can't go back first, you have to add three more bags. Wait for more blood to be sent," said Sarwendah's husband.

Ruben Onsu also returned to his normal activities by becoming a presenter at several events. On the other hand, he was asked to keep doing regular check-ups at the hospital.

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