
YOGYAKARTA – Parenting patterns affect the development of children. Including implementing a parenting pattern called helicopter parenting, where parents continue to supervise and direct all the activities of their children. Although not always bad, but there are negative effects of this parenting.

Negative effects such as limiting the child's personal goals to limit the independence of the baby. Therefore, recognize the signs so that you can re-evaluate whether or not it is appropriate when applying a pattern of supervision that is too strict, such as in helicopter parenting. Here are the signs you need to recognize and re-identify.

1. Too interfering with children's relationships with their peers

Children also in building relationships need their own process. Not infrequently they have conflicts that fight with their peers. If your child is in conflict with his friend, but you pick up the phone and call the parents of your son's friend, it could be a sign that you are interfering too much in your child's relationship. You need to take a step back. Directing your child may be necessary, but letting them work independently with their friends is the best way for them to learn how to build relationships independently.

tanda orang tua menerapkan helicopter parenting
Illustration of parenting sign applying helicopter parenting (iStockphoto)
2. Finish their homework

There are tasks that children need to complete while at home. Such as tidying up his own clothes, tidying his study desk, to finishing homework from school. This includes signs that parents are implementing helicopter parenting. The wisest, let the children find out for themselves and complete what is the task. Give them encouragement and support so they can survive in difficult situations.

3. Train their teachers

If you're yelling advice from the stands while the kids are playing or cornering their teacher every time they give a lesson, it might be time for you to pull back a little. Reported by WebMD, Sunday, June 19, if your kids ask for your help, maybe you can teach them how to talk with their teacher.

4. Keeping children on 'short ropes'

When children are young, parents don't have to take them to a friend's house. Avoid helicopter parenting by restraining children too much. Try to create opportunities for children to be independent. Let them play outside the house or visit a friend's house in a more independent way.

5. Can't let kids fail

Think about the last time you made a mistake. Chances are, you learn from mistakes. This also happens to children. They will also learn from mistakes. Trial and error works out how children process in the world. If you take over a project or task to do their job for the sake of 'doing it right', they will not learn how to deal with future problems.

In addition to the above signs, in addition, it is necessary to keep children as safe as necessary. But it's not as safe as it might be to ask the kids to always hold hands with you so they don't fall, for example. Let them climb, fall while running, or scratch their knees. This is good for their growth as a person.

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