
JAKARTA - After 12 years of marriage, Dea Ananda and Ariel Nidji finally had their first child born Tuesday night, June 14. Dea told how the birth process was. He also said the process of giving birth did not last long.

"Initially, it was already scheduled, indeed on June 14, 2022, at 9 pm. Yes, we have been standing by since noon. We are preparing until it is close to 8 pm and then we go into the operating room, and at 9 past 3 minutes we are born," said Dea. Ananda told the media, Thursday, June 17.

Through Instagram, Dea also uploads photos of the birth process. He called the birth of his first child a heaven-send from God. So he is endlessly grateful for the birth of his daughter.

"God has given a piece of heaven to us. Praise and gratitude to God Almighty. Our first daughter has been born healthy and safe," he wrote.

Ariel also revealed the condition of her baby when it was just born, and announced the name of her first child, which is a girl.

"When he was born he weighed 3.02 kilos with a length of 48 cm. His name was Sanne El Azhar," said Ariel.

Next, Dea Ananda uploaded a photo of her daughter and explained her name. "Sanne = lily. El = taken from the name ariEL / Allah is strong. Azhar = taken from the last name ariel (again) / shining / shining / brilliant.

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