
JAKARTA - Anggy Umbara's productivity continues. After releasing Satu Suro and Sudden Kaya, Anggy returned with his newest work, Si Manis Jembatan Ancol.

In a press conference, Thursday (31/10/2019), Anggy and the film producer and player Si Manis Jembatan Ancol

presents exclusive trailers and first posters. Taking place at XXI Epicentrum, Kuningan, they also tell the process and impression of playing in this film.

Si Manis Jembatan Ancol is a soap opera that was popular in 1993. The soap opera starred Diah Permatasari and Ozzy Saputra. In the second season, the cast of Si Manis was replaced by Kiki Fatmala.

This soap opera is a turning-point of their third career. However, long before that, Si Manis Jembatan Ancol was presented in the big screen version. The 1973 film starred Lenny Marlina and Farouk Afero.

Even though it is an adaptation of two previous works - especially the 1973 film which influenced Anggy's film work, Anggy promised that his Si Manis Jembatan Ancol project would be different.

Regarding the role of Si Manis, Anggy admits that he has been eyeing Indah Permatasari for a long time. So, when Indah finished filming another project, Indah was immediately asked by Anggy to play Si Manis aka Mariam.

Indah Permatasari as Si Manis (MVP Pictures)


Si Manis Jembatan Ancol production was postponed due to an accident that happened to Anggy a few months ago. Because of that, Anggy was assisted by his younger brother, Bounty Umbara to direct the film.

Not only in the director's chair. Indah Permatasari also experienced another problem. According to Indah, she only had a little time to explore and build Maryam's character.

“The opportunity is the last minute to build Maryam's character. So, take the time as much as possible. Very grateful to Bang Anggy for the opportunity, "said Indah.

Besides Indah, Si Manis Jembatan Ancol will also be strengthened by Arifin Putra. The cast of Rumah Dara, The Raid 2, and the HBO series Halfworlds portray Roy, Maryam's husband.

Arifin Putra in his role as Roy (MVP Pictures)

Like Indah, Arifin also admitted that he had problems. Arifin admitted starstruck with the figure of Ozzy Saputra who played in the film. There was an interest that Arifin felt in Ozzy's past stars.

“I know a little about this series and I know there is Ozzy Saputra. But Ozzy plays a different role here. So it's kind of funny. The process is interesting and exciting, ”said Arifin.

Not only Arifin Putra and Indah Permatasari. Si Manis Jembatan Ancol presents several comics as supporting actors. Ebel, for example, is Ozi's subordinate - a figure played by Ozzy.

"Very delighted. This is my first time playing a movie, ”said Ebel.

The appearance of the supporting players (MVP Pictures)

The '73 link

Anggy Umbara said that he was interested in connecting this film with the 1973 version because of the moral message conveyed in the previous film.

According to Anggy, the 1973 film clearly explained the rights of women to be happy that were taken away. Anggy asked the question, are we good enough at treating women?

Another interesting point was revealed. It is said that Anggy, who claimed to be influenced by the 1973 version of the film, actually prohibited the players from watching the previous version of the film. The reason is that Anggy wants the players to appear carefree.

Si Manis Jembatan Ancol press conference (Tarida / VOI)

On the strategy side, co-producer Amrit Punjabi revealed the reason for the end of the year as the broadcast time for Si Manis Jembatan Ancol. "Because it's vacation time and free time," he said.

"There is always competition between films, though. But we are confident in our products. We hope to make people aware of providing entertainment," he added.

You can watch the Si Manis Jembatan Ancol trailer via the MVP Pictures ID Youtube channel. The film Si Manis Jembatan Ancol itself will air starting December 26, 2019. (Tarida Angelina / VOI)

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