In Order To Be Able To Protect Themselves, It Is Important For Teenagers To Teach Emotional Boundaries
Illustration of emotional boundaries in teenagers (Pexels/Nicole Machalou)


YOGYAKARTA – Emotional boundaries are described as a skill that needs to be possessed. Sometimes, someone who doesn't have emotional boundaries finds it difficult to set comfortable boundaries. They end up being cold and rarely interacting with others resulting in 'thank you' expressions. What is the real importance of having emotional boundaries for children in their teens or teens?

Teenagers have a social environment. Emotional boundaries, reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, June 16, are boundaries that are created to protect oneself from being hurt, manipulated, and used by others. Limiting this emotional aspect of self-worth helps people understand who we are, what we think, and how we feel. This boundary creates the needed emotional space between us and the other person.

Healthy emotional boundaries, explains Marilyn Price-Mitchell, Ph.D., author of Tomorrow's Change Makers, are important for healthy relationships. He further explained, setting healthy boundaries means helping to maintain integrity and increase resilience. One way of setting boundaries is by communicating not only about right and wrong, but also understanding the boundaries they have.

batasan emosional dan contohnya
Illustration of emotional boundaries in teenagers (iStockphoto)

Examples of emotional boundaries in teenagers, include how to build friendships, trust, express personal values that are believed, respect yourself, and communicate needs and wants clearly. Unhealthy emotional boundaries, for example, include trusting no one else, going against personal values to please others, giving a lot to be liked, and letting other people direct one's life.

Setting emotional boundaries is important to teach teenagers. The reason is to change the relationship for the better with the important people in life. Setting boundaries is also about accepting yourself and being more confident.

The first tip from Price-Mitchell for teaching emotional boundaries to your baby before their teens is by providing an understanding of the concept. An easy way to describe restrictions is with a property line that says 'No trespassing'. But because emotions are invisible and how difficult they can be to explain, have regular conversations with your child about how they relate to their peers. Ask him what makes him comfortable and vice versa when with his friends.

Second, teach that setting emotional boundaries is not about blaming others for hurting. But about how to explain what is required of others and how others respond. Many people respond to others without thinking about the repercussions of their actions. Then teach how to take responsibility for your own emotions and build trust and respect from others.

Third, identify unacceptable actions and behaviors. This step can be done by sitting with the baby to exchange ideas. Make a list of actions from a friend that sometimes make you feel uncomfortable. Then communicate anything that is frustrating and how to take appropriate action from it.

Fourth, encourage children's actions in applying boundaries. Small steps mean enough to set emotional boundaries with their friends. Simply put, say 'no' if you encounter unacceptable behavior.

That's an explanation of the importance of applying emotional boundaries and how to teach teenagers. Emotional boundaries are also important for every family member. The goal is to build healthy relationships.

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