
YOGYAKARTA – For new couples, it is necessary to consider the things that determine the fun on the first night. Although each partner has different preferences, but as a reference and anticipatory measure, the study found things that determine pleasure in the first sexual experience.

Reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, June 15, couples can learn about situations that support pleasure on the first night like the following.

1. Psychological and physical conditions

The study was conducted from 1990 to 2020 and published in The Journal of Sex Research. The study analyzed 23 papers that referenced first sexual experiences and sexual pleasure. There are 17 studies that note that first sexual pleasure is defined as penetration or the meeting of the vagina and penis.

Psychological and physical conditions play a role in getting sexual pleasure. Adults and younger men report that their first pleasurable sexual experience is about psychological and physical satisfaction.

2. Emotional readiness

Participants in the study reported that emotional readiness and maturity affect sexual pleasure. While this is not a reliable measure of predicting sexual pleasure, being mature and building emotional closeness makes relationships more comfortable and intimate.

hal yang menentukan kepuasan malam pertama
Illustration of things that determine satisfaction on the first night (Unsplash/Taisiia Stupak)
3. Positive relationship

The structure of the relationship, it also affects sexual satisfaction the first time. However, the key element is not just a commitment, but in a positive relationship that allows self-expression, both sexually and the ability to engage in sexual communication, especially for women.

4. Positive communication with parents

Positive communication with parents about sex, sexuality, and sexual awareness is a key factor in promoting the possibility of sexual pleasure. Specifically, parents need to be open, receptive, and talk about sex-positive with their children so that they can practice safe sex.

5. Time and location

Have enough time and plan how sexual activity relates to sexual pleasure. Unexpected sexual relationships tend to exclude foreplay and sexual communication. This is associated by researchers with lower levels of pleasure and satisfaction.

6. Consent

The ability to communicate sexually is related to the enjoyment of sexual activity. When each of the partners gives consent, it plays an important role in sexual pleasure. However, consent does not only include 'yes' or 'no' answers. Consent includes space, time, opportunity to plan, think carefully about the type of sexual activity to be carried out, experience and knowledge of sexuality.

Healthy sexual activity, according to Sarah Hunter Murray, Ph.D., relationship therapist and researcher, needs to highlight the six things above.

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