
JAKARTA - Actor Iko Uwais was reported by an interior designer named Rudi on suspicion of molesting and beating the Bekasi Metro Police. The police will share the results of their investigation regarding the case.

The Bekasi Metro Police Chief, Kombes Hengki Esika, explained that they had examined the reporter, namely Rudi himself.

"Development of the case of the beating that occurred Saturday night Sunday in Medan Satria. The reporter is on behalf of R and the reported is on behalf of IO and F," said Kombes Hengki Esika on Tuesday, June 14.

According to the report, the victim and two witnesses have already undergone a post-mortem, while Iko Uwais is scheduled to come in the afternoon.

“Based on the report, the complainant or victim asked for a post-mortem including two witnesses. IO and F were planned to be summoned but the lawyers came and said they could not attend," he said.

Police said the post-mortem results had been carried out where there were several wounds on the victim's body.

"There are bruises on the victim's head, hands, back, yes," he explained.

Iko Uwais' lawyer, Rahim Key, explained that his client could not attend because he needed to rest.

"He has a post-mortem at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital. The post-mortem report shows that Iko Uwais has bruises on his left hand and hand," said Rahim Key.

Therefore, the lawyer requested a postponement of the examination until June 20.

“We gave a letter of postponement of the examination because our client was busy with activities. The incident took a break so our client wanted to rest,” he explained.

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