
YOGYAKARTA – An emotionally intelligent person has four qualities that support his career success. According to Erin Leonard, Ph.D., a certified psychotherapist notes the qualities of a person with emotional intelligence.

In the workplace, a person with emotional intelligence has social awareness, self-awareness, empathy, and productive conflict resolution. Leonard distinguishes himself from an ego driven leader. The difference is, someone who is driven by ego causes more anxiety in his work team. Meanwhile, emotionally intelligent leaders can optimize performance, retain employees, and resolve conflicts efficiently.

Can work collaboratively

Intelligent in the emotional aspect makes a person able to collaborate well. Instead of being manipulative, emotional intelligence encourages more efficient work and productivity creeps up. Collaboration works best when it comes to appreciation for the role of the work team. If one has it, then success will await. On the other hand, if you make colleagues often feel afraid, it will backfire and reduce performance.

kecerdasan emosional dalam lingkungan kerja
Illustration of emotional intelligence in the work environment (iStockphoto)
Care about every work impact

Each role has a major impact in achieving goals. If someone cares and has social awareness, then he is more open-minded, listens to new ideas, is creative, and innovative. It also creates a safe space for discussion.

Build a mentally healthy environment

Working on ego, creates an unsafe work environment. This is considered to cause intense anxiety and endanger the ability, both personal and co-workers, to work optimally. An unfriendly workplace, according to Leonard, causes a number of transitions and employee turnovers in a short time. That way, costs continue to go out to replace new people.

More responsible for mistakes

There isn't everyone who doesn't make mistakes. But what is there is how someone is responsible for his mistakes. Someone who has emotional intelligence, will solve problems more responsibly. For example, if a misstep is made, cooperative and collaborative work can help each other to correct the error.

Finally, empathy in the work environment builds appreciation for every effort in every role. Leonard added as reported by Psychology Today, Monday, June 13, workers who have emotional intelligence and a sense of empathy value professional bonds. This opens a broad, supportive perspective, and allows the delivery of understanding.

Close Leonard, an emotionally intelligent person, is typically encouraging, empowering, and empathetic with coworkers while upholding expectations and boundaries.

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