
JAKARTA - The Korean drama Taxi Driver 2 has announced the cast of the sequel. Previously, the SBS television channel confirmed that this thriller drama would continue into the second part.

"Lee Je Hoon, Kim Eui Sung, Pyo Ye Jin, Jang Hyuk Jin, and Bae Yoo Ram who play the 5 members of the Rainbow Taxi team, have all joined and will start production to air early next year," SBS said in a statement today. , Thursday, June 9th.

Apart from them, only Esom was absent from Taxi Driver 2. This was due to a conflicting schedule.

Meanwhile, Lee Je Hoon returns to play Kim Do Gi, the main player of Rainbow Taxi. Kim Eui Sung as Jang Sung Cheol, the head of the Rainbow Taxi team and Pyo Ye Jin who plays Ahn Go Eun, the special hacker of the team.

The duet of Jang Hyuk Jin and Bae Yoo Ram as Choi Kyung Goo and Park Jin Uhn is also eagerly awaited by the audience.

“We are really preparing for the excitement of season two so we can return your support. We will return with a drama that has full meaning."

Taxi Driver tells the story of Kim Do Gi who graduated from the Naval Academy. One day his mother died because he was killed by a serial killer. His life changed in an instant.

Year after year, Kim Do Gi works as a taxi driver for Rainbow Taxi. This taxi company has a revenge service where clients can seek revenge on people who cannot be punished for their power.

During its broadcast, Taxi Driver received a double-digit rating. The cast also received SBS Drama Awards, one of which was Lee Je Hoon winning Best Actor.

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