
YOGYAKARTA – Cleansing the face is the most basic routine in keeping skin healthy and fresh. A good cleanser, generally fragrance-free and non-irritating. It also doesn't dry out your skin and doesn't cause breakouts.

There are several types of facial cleansers. Some of them are explained in the following points.

1. Mild foaming facial soap

If you prefer products that are simple to use, a mild foaming facial soap can be an option. A cleanser with foaming, mostly removes makeup residue. Although to remove eye makeup, you still need a makeup remover so that it is completely lifted.

The foam in each facial soap product is usually formulated differently. So, choose the texture that you like the most and match it to your skin type. Well, for this type of cleanser, it is most suitable for combination skin types that are sensitive to acne.

2. Gel-textured facial cleanser

Some face washes have a gel texture in addition to liquid. Facial cleansing products with a gel texture, are generally formulated with specific ingredients and specific benefits. For example, it contains active ingredients that remove dirt while moisturizing facial skin. For those of you who have normal skin types, or combination types that are prone to irritation, it is better to choose a facial cleanser with a gel texture.

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Illustration of facial cleanser according to skin type (iStockphoto)
3. Creams and lotions for facial cleansing

Popularly known as a milk cleanser because of its thick and creamy texture, this cleanser needs to be covered with toner to restore the freshness of facial skin after being covered in makeup all day. This type of cleanser is most appropriate for normal, dry, and sensitive skin types.

4. Oil-based facial cleanser

Well, for those of you with sensitive skin types and prone to breakouts, avoid oil-based cleansers. Acne skin is recommended to be water-based with a non-comedogenic formulation that doesn't make acne worse.

While oil-based cleansers, useful for double cleaning. This type of cleanser can be used by every skin type, except oily and acne-prone skin.

5. Water based facial cleanser

If you like how to clean your face using cotton, you can choose this type of cleanser. Because it is water-based and contains surfactants, micellar water, otherwise known as a water-based facial cleanser, can remove makeup after activities. You don't need to rinse it off after using this cleanser.

That's the type of facial cleanser that can be an option for daily routine care. It is important to know, avoid cleaning your face with bath soap. Because facial skin is more sensitive than other parts of the body, bath soaps are too harsh to use on the face. The effect can make facial skin dry, clogged pores, and facial skin looks dull.

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