
YOGYAKARTA – Even though you listen carefully to the conversation, there are still things that you can't remember. Have you ever experienced this? As it turns out, there is an effective way to improve memory. According to neuroscientists and research scientists, here's a way you can do so you don't easily forget the small but important things.

1. Walk backwards

When you have a habit of exercising in the morning, try walking backwards. A study conducted by researchers from the University of Roehampton, London, found that walking backwards was beneficial for improving memory.

Participants in this study were divided into two groups. All were asked to watch a short film and memorize words and study a series of pictures. The first group, remembering while standing in place. The second group, asked to remember while walking backwards.

The results of this study found that the group that walked backwards more accurately remembered words and pictures. These results are based on the fact that the brain organizes memories spatially. So that by going backwards, information can be stored differently.

cara meningkatkan memori otak
Illustration of how to improve brain memory (iStockphoto)
2. Eat fruits and vegetables

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is not only good for the health of the body, but also the brain. This is evidenced in a study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health which found a link between diet and memory. Specifically, eating more vegetables and fruit, especially orange, red, green vegetables, and berries, was correlated with less memory loss later in life.

3. Being in a room with adequate lighting

The sun, or the source of light on Earth, is recognized as the source of life. Also related to memory, if you are in a dim room, the structure of the brain to remember can decrease its capacity. This finding was found in a study from Michigan State University, in which 30 percent of the hippocampal capacity in laboratory mice was decreased.

Neurobiological theory also corroborates these findings its effect on humans. The best abilities in the workplace can be had when the room gets adequate lighting.

4. Intermittent fasting

Citing Inc., Monday, May 30, a study from King's College London linked the development of brain genes and improved memory performance. Experiments were carried out on laboratory rats with the finding that intermittent fasting improves long-term memory retention. By consuming a healthy and disciplined diet according to a schedule, brain cells regenerate properly.

5. Be calmer

Have you ever experienced that if you are in a hurry there must be something you forget? Yes, neurologists at Trinity College, Dublin suspect that worry and anxiety keep functional features of the brain from interacting dynamically. Then the memory of a thing is stored and not accessed.

If you have a lot of agendas, it is advisable not to make memory work harder. For example, by taking notes in an agenda book, or taking notes on important things so you don't forget.

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