
YOGYAKARTA - How someone treats their pets, turns out to give a certain impression in the eyes of others. In certain situations, for example, you often walk the dog or cat. One study found that pets play a role in determining how attractive and how approachable you are.

Pets, for most people who keep them at home, are seen and treated as members of the family. Reported by Psychology Today, Friday, May 27, according to a study by Peter B. Gray, et al (2015), determining the impact of pets on mate assessment and mate selection.

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Illustration of a study of relational dynamics regarding pet owners and attraction (Unsplash/Xan Griffin)

Based on data from 1,210 participants (61 percent women) reviewed by, found women review the 'social barometer' of potential partners with pets. Data from participants who listed pet information on their dating profiles, led to the study's findings. Pets, can make their owners more attractive and approachable.

According to Wendy L. Patrick, JD, Ph.D., dog owners who walk their pets don't make other people feel insecure. On the contrary, walking the adorable dog and wagging its tail, seems to strangers more attractive and approachable.

More specifically, Gray et al (2004) noted that a single woman standing in a public space with a puppy or adult golden retriever encouraged more approach and conversation than a woman standing with an adult Rottweiler, teddy bear, or potted plant. .

Are you a single man and often take your pets for walks? The research deals with relational dynamics. Found girls more likely to notice their date interacting with pets. In essence, pets make their owners potentially more attractive and encourage others to open up conversations.

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