YOGYAKARTA – The story of Tyas Mirasih and Tengku Tezi is getting more and more intimate. The reason is, in uploads on social media, photos are shared with the language of love, physical touch. The love language or love language is conceptually shown as an affirmation of the commitment of a love story.
After this celebrity couple went public, Tyas not infrequently shared portraits of the two of them to show confirmation of their status. The following are portraits of Tyas Mirasih and Tengku Tezi who are suspected of having an affair.

Starting from playing a character in a film released last March, Tyas Mirasi with Tengku Tezi one frame in the film Marley.

Not only chemistry as a married couple in the film. In real life, the two are rumored to be in love.

When shooting the film, both of them still have their respective partners. Despite these conditions, Tyas divorced Raiden Soedjono in the second half of 2021. Even with Tengku Tezi who separated from his previous partner, Danisa Khairiyah.

Although Tyas and Tengku Tezi have never officially declared their commitment, portraits of the two of them with intimate gestures are often shared on their respective social media.

Dare to share a photo of Tengku Tezi kissing Tyas Mirasih on the cheek, has this couple received the green light from their parents? Tyas Mirasih wrote in a portrait upload with Tengku Tezi, “With you, it's different.”
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