
YOGYAKARTA – Simple things, generally can be done in a short time. But because of the habit of procrastination, so piled up at the end of the day. Do you have this bad habit? Apparently, it can be changed in a way that is not difficult you know.

Quoting Insider, Wednesday, May 18, a large 2019 survey found that as many as 88 percent of respondents admitted to procrastinating for an hour. This bad habit of procrastination, is often caused by lack of motivation, being overwhelmed, bored with the task. But each cause has the potential to reduce productivity. To overcome this, you can do the following ways to change the habit of procrastination to be more agile.

1. Change with self talk

Internal dialogue with yourself or known as self talk can help you overcome the habit of procrastination. If you feel frustrated and view yourself in a negative way, it's likely to worsen your habit of piling up tasks. Victoria Smith, LSCW., a professional therapist, suggests positive, neutral, and factual self-talk.

Instead of thinking that you can't complete the task or feel like you have a long time later, it's better to cultivate the assumption that you are the main controller in getting it done.

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Illustration of how to change the bad habit of procrastination (iStockphoto)
2. Take small steps at the beginning

Although starting with one sentence, it is a step in the right direction. You can sit down and adjust the focus. Doing this will help you gain confidence and build momentum to continue to be productive even in small steps.

3. Divide tasks by goals

When you're running a huge, exhausting task, divide tasks by goals. To make your big job easier to complete, Katherine Glaser, LSCW, suggests breaking it down into smaller pieces to reach small goals each day.

4. Rest

Rest, it is important to do to prevent fatigue and overwhelm. Both of these effects, causing you to be reluctant to complete tasks on time. Smith says give yourself a break so you don't have to do something out of line.

Rest can be by taking time to drink or eat. Can also make a rule after three hours of work, take a break for 25 minutes. You can fill it by walking around the room, getting some fresh air, or doing something fun.

5. Have a dedicated workspace

Although your task can be completed in any space, but Glaser suggests, you need to have a dedicated workspace. A quiet and conducive space helps regulate focus. You can also work in a space free from distractions and decorations that help keep you in a good mood.

In addition to the five ways above, Glaser also gives suggestions that you need to give yourself a 'reward' when you get work done without procrastination. 'Gifts' are a way of rewarding yourself, although at first it is difficult to change bad habits, but rewards can encourage motivation, you know.

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