
YOGYAKARTA – Collagen is one component that is often formulated in skin care products. In addition to using products to maintain skin beauty, you can get these ingredients from food.

When the sun is shining, spending time in an air-conditioned room is an option. But apparently, in a cold room, the skin will feel dry. It can even look paler and tanned. Acne can also appear unexpectedly.

In this condition, known as eczema dehydration which requires simple treatment. First, you need to keep your skin hydrated enough like by drinking lots of mineral water. In addition, as reported by NdtvFood, Wednesday, May 18, the following foods contain high collagen and can be consumed to maintain the beauty of your skin.

1. Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits and lemons contain good antioxidants and vitamin C. Not only that, this fresh fruit also helps the body naturally produce collagen. Plus it can remove toxins that cause skin inflammation.

According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta, eating foods rich in collagen can minimize skin aging. Collagen added Datta, can be obtained from daily food. While collagen itself is naturally found in animal protein and plant foods, such as citrus fruits and lemons.

makanan yang mengandung kolagen buat kecantikan wajah
Illustration of foods that contain high collagen for facial skin beauty (iStockphoto)
2. Vegetables

There are various types of vegetables that are commonly consumed on a daily basis. One of the vegetables that help the production of collagen, namely leafy vegetables. Types include spinach, lettuce, and other vegetables that contain chlorophyll.

3. Chicken

Amino acids in chicken, play an important role in the production of collagen in the body. In addition, several studies have found that certain parts of chicken are a good source of collagen. These include the neck and cartilage, which also help treat arthritis.

4. Fish

Foods that contain high collagen for the next skin beauty, fish. The important content in fish, amino acids and minerals, contribute to help in the production of collagen in the body. Fish also contains healthy fats that help skin look glowing and firm.

5. Paprika

Bell peppers contain complete nutrients, such as vitamin C, amino acids, and minerals that support the improvement of skin health. Plus, bell peppers contain an anti-inflammatory compound called capsaicin. These compounds help you combat skin aging.

To maintain skin beauty, these are the five foods that contain high collagen. Caring for the skin needs to be done regularly. In addition to applying care products that contain nutrients, you also need to consume healthy foods and live a healthy lifestyle.

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