
JAKARTA - Cinta Laura Kiehl had admitted that she had no intention of getting married in the near future, nor did she want to have children on The Hermansyah A6 YouTube channel, last Thursday, August 19, 2021. The statement reaped the pros and cons in the community.

"My mind hasn't reached that point yet. The desire doesn't exist yet. My parents were amazing, they said it's okay if you don't get married and don't have children," said Cinta Laura at the time.

Not wanting to become a prolonged polemic, Cinta provided clarification when meeting reporters at Senayan, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 11.

"I think the Indonesian people should be more careful when reading or watching the news, because there was an interview I did with Ashanty who talked about having a family, having children and others, and pay attention to what I'm talking about, I never said 'I want to be child free (don't want to have children)'," said Cinta quoted from Paragram Official.

He really hasn't thought of a plan to start a family and have children. However, it is possible that his mind will change.

"All I said was 'For now I'm not thinking about starting a family at all, but maybe one day, maybe it's next year, maybe it's 5 years from now, I don't know, maybe that decision will change'," he said.

Love does not want to be constrained by social constructions that make people rush to get married. "I don't believe in following a timeline that is dictated by society, like a timeline of 'Oh age 20 should be like this, age 25 should be like this, age 30 should be like that', it's all a social construction," he said.

According to him, the world has changed. His way of life has also changed.

"So it's time we throw away all social constructions about 'This age should be like this, that age should be like that', because the world has changed, and I am very happy with my life, I am very grateful for what God has given me, I will do everything with my own readiness and according to my own timeline," said Cinta Laura.

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