JAKARTA - YouTube channel Deddy Corbuzier reportedly lost 8 million Instagram followers. This is the impact of Deddy's podcast content that invites LGBT couples.
It has not been revealed who shared this news but in fact the number of Deddy Corbuzier's Instagram followers has not decreased drastically. The Socialblade site noted that Deddy Corbuzier had no more than 56 thousand followers.
Wednesday, May 11, Deddy Corbuzier's Instagram account still has 11 million followers. Likewise, Deddy's YouTube channel is reportedly decreasing.
Socialblade also noted that 100 thousand users had unsubscribed from Deddy Corbuzier's YouTube channel.

Reportedly this pattern was used to get Deddy Corbuzier blasphemy. Previously, musicians Zinidin Zidan and Tri Suaka were also in the spotlight after reportedly losing millions of subscribers to their YouTube channel.
Deddy Corbuzier immediately responded to this news. According to him, his Instagram followers are not what the public thinks.
“No no… My followers aren't what you think… Don't like it isn't a problem. Spread funny hoaxes," wrote Deddy Corbuzier.
Deddy Corbuzier received criticism after inviting a gay couple to his podcast. He is said to have given the stage for the couple to become more famous in Indonesia.
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