
YOGYAKARTA – It is common knowledge that introverts are described as mysterious figures. This is because they understand very well when they need to be alone and limit their interactions with their co-workers. If they choose to eat lunch alone rather than with their teammates, it's often seen that interverts are flying the flag of rejection. In fact, this is a person's way to recharge after building a solid relationship.

Launching Introvert Dear, Wednesday, May 11, the workplace is often a place of tension between people and their personalities. Including introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts. But the most 'quiet', introverts, may need to be understood because it is difficult to express the reasons for certain behaviors that are considered unethical and even political. To explore what introverts really feel when they do certain attitudes, the following are introverted behaviors that are often misunderstood and considered 'rude'.

1. Not greeting every morning

Work and personal life need to be balanced. This is one of the reasons introverts don't greet their coworkers every morning. When they need to save for a moment their personal problems, they need a lot of energy to work all day. So by limiting or making limits, they can save their energy for the things they consider a priority.

sikap orang introvert di tempat kerja
Illustration of the attitude of introverts at work (Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
2. Not interested in the personal life of his co-workers

Introverts are known to daydream within the boundaries they measure precisely. By daydreaming, the waves of his social life do not disturb the peace. There are also many introverts who prefer to spend their time reading, writing, or painting instead of discussing personal life with coworkers.

3. Refuse invitations outside of work

Some people think that refusing an invitation is 'rude'. But it needs to be understood if the rejection is done by introverts. They decline your invitation, for example, because introverts value alone time. Generally, they need to plan ahead of time to accept or decline the invitation.

4. Choose to sit alone when meeting

To be authentic, introverts often choose to sit alone, including during meetings. So this needs to be understood as a strategy for someone to communicate with himself. In this way, introverts are also likely to give birth to brilliant ideas.

5. Wear headphones all day

For those of you who are introverts, you may understand the situation behind this attitude. Wearing headphones all day is certainly a way for someone to limit themselves by not opening up interactions with the people around them. This is a sign that the introvert is saying 'don't bother me for a while'.

The five attitudes above often make introverts considered unethical or annoying. But it should be understood that in this way they are regulating moods, thoughts, and maintaining a balance with social interactions at work.

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