
JAKARTA - Indonesia's proud delta blues guitarist, Adrian Adioetomo, released his newest single, Volatile Love, on May 5 yesterday.

This song is taken from the untitled album which was released at the end of February 2021. Although the distance between the release of Volatile Love and the previous single, Everything Gone Wrong, is quite far, the subject in this song is still relevant because it is still about the abstract subject of a relationship.

"This time it's about defending someone even if they have to bet with their emotional uncertainty," said Adrian Adioetomo in an official statement received by VOI, Saturday, May 7.

"This song is a romanticization of the situation; that love-thirst facing random "outbursts" of one's nature, can sound sexy," he continued.

In this single, Adrian Adioetomo combines a blues-style slide guitar with a clean guitar sound and also a fuzz guitar sound that tends to be 'crushed'. This depicts the impression of meeting thirst with the explosions.

To emphasize the 'hot' impression that has already been felt, Adrian Adioetomo also borrowed sounds and tones related to Indian culture, which is famous for its spicy food.

In some stanzas, Adrian Adioetomo's vocals are also covered with distortion effects. This is part of the experimentation in 'sharpening' the feeling of blues-based tones that carry blues idiom-like lyrics. However, the vocals in the chorus are still clearly and loudly presented.

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