
JAKARTA - Nia Zulkarnaen admitted that he was devastated after his mother, senior actress Mieke Wijaya, passed away in the middle of the Eid momentum. But on the other hand he feels grateful for several things.

"We are very grateful that we were given the opportunity to apologize physically and mentally on Eid Al-Fitr with mom," said Nia Zulkarnaen at the Tanah Kusir TPU, Jakarta, today, Wednesday, May 4.

Nia already felt that her mother's health condition had declined but she did not expect Mieke Wijaya to leave on the second day of Eid.

“From the first day of Eid, the condition has started to decline. But all of us, brothers and sisters, are grateful to be given the opportunity to celebrate Eid with my mother," he continued.

When asked about her memories, Mieke couldn't explain one by one. According to him, nothing can be forgotten in life while with his mother.

"Lots. Can't be forgotten. Half of life seems lost," said Nia.

Nia Zulkarnaen also remembers her mother, who has been an actress since the 50s and has starred in various soap operas and films.

"Alhamdulillah, until mom passed away from a career from the 50s, I already have grandchildren, there are 3 great-grandchildren who always love and pray for mom from their children and in-laws," said Nia Zulkarnaen.

Mieke Wijaya passed away on Tuesday, May 3 at 19.30 WIB. He was buried in the Tanah Kusir TPU and placed in the same grave with the late actor Dicky Zulkarnaen, who was his husband.

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