
JAKARTA - A new fact was revealed at the trial on Tuesday, April 26. A psychologist recruited by Johnny Depp's lawyer said Amber Heard had a personality disorder.

Dr. Shannon Curry said she had checked Heard's medical condition for more than 12 hours in December 2021. She explained that there were several signs that someone had the condition.

Some of these are unstable changes in emotions, personal relationships, and reactions to certain things.

“People with personality disorders float in black and white. They become perfect people but then become trash,” explained Shannon Curry quoting the Straits Times.

"They can react violently, they can react physically. They can even be abusive to their partners. It's like acting," he added.

According to Curry, Amber Heard does not suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, but rather a personality disorder. He even exaggerated his statement about PTSD.

“There was ample indication that he was exaggerating his PTSD symptoms when asked. PTSD is one of the easiest disorders to fake."

Johnny Depp denies being abusive towards his ex-wife and says otherwise. This statement is included in Depp's lawsuit against Heard for defamation that tarnished his name.

After that, Depp sued Heard again after losing against The Sun in November 2020. The media called Depp a wife beater that led to Amber Heard.

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