YOGYAKARTA – Gender is often attached to the way a person dresses, which is related to gender. As the general public understands, that skirts are worn by women and pants are worn freely, both men and women can wear them. Aming's style of appearance is widely discussed by the public because he looks like a woman in a dress and breasts.
Behind his appearance, Aming has positive intentions. Quoting from Aming's conversation with Denny Sumargo on the YouTube channel Curhat Bang Denny Sumargo, the Extravaganza actor admitted that his appearance change was part of his creative process. Aming hopes that his performance will be responded to with compassion and positive thoughts.
Aming's way of dressing illustrates his creativity in mixing and matching the concept of outfits. One of the styles of dress, genderless. This style is known as gender-free fashion as once echoed by musicians in the 1970s, David Bowie. The following is a portrait of Aming in gender-neutral fashion to his change in appearance wearing a dress.
![potret aming sekarang](/storage/publishers/162294/body_image_2022042703.jpg)
Wearing a black and white polka dot suit, completed with boots and a Gucci handbag, Aming uploaded the portrait while saying "Happy fasting everyone..."
![potret aming sekarang](/storage/publishers/162294/body_image_2022042703-1.jpg)
The genderless style of dress was popularized as a way of liberating oneself from binary, masculine and feminine oppositions. Similar to Aming's style of dress in the portrait above, with a neutral black color complemented by an abstract patterned coat that matches the bouquet hat he is wearing.
![potret aming sekarang](/storage/publishers/162294/body_image_2022042703-2.jpg)
Like men who are free to wear pink clothes, Aming changes his appearance to be creative by wearing clothes that highlight a feminine impression.
![potret aming sekarang](/storage/publishers/162294/body_image_2022042703-3.jpg)
Freedom of expression through acting and fashion, according to Aming's admission as one of the coping mechanisms from the experience of wounds in his past. Behind it all, Aming believes that the universe and God have great compassion.
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