
JAKARTA - Ahead of the Eid holiday, more and more people are planning trips either for going home or just doing "traveling". One of the things that must be taken into account when traveling is luggage.

Often luggage actually makes trips for vacations and traveling inefficient because they are not prepared or packaged properly, to overcome this, Raymond Tungka, who is known as a traveler, shares tips on efficient packing so that your vacation time becomes enjoyable.

"The first thing to do for packing is observation. Observation is important to see our needs while on the trip. Observations can be in the form of looking at weather conditions, where we go traveling, to the duration of the trip so that with the data collected we can determine how much needs and fulfill them with our luggage," said Rarmond as quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, April 23.

After successfully observing, prepare the items that will be brought for a vacation trip. Check your needs from head to toe to make sure all your needs are accommodated, for example for the head and neck you can prepare a hat, sunglasses, bandana, then enter the body you can prepare long clothes to jackets, on the legs you can prepare pants to shoes and everything is tailored to your needs.

"Well, if it's like that, the next step is to make sure to bring a backup too," said Raymond.

The man, who is also a filmmaker, said that backup was needed if it turned out that the main item he was carrying was damaged or even when he was traveling something unexpected happened.

In addition, don't forget to also bring basic necessities such as medicines and toiletries so that personal hygiene and safety can be maintained. "If all that has been done, then neatly arrange it, of course the packing will also be fast and easy," said Raymond Y Tungka.

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