
JAKARTA - Actress Putri Ayudya said celebrating the ratification of the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS) into law is a natural thing. Given this design has been fought for 10 years. The feeling of joy over the passing of the bill is also a concern for the victims and not a glorification.

"The promotion and publication of the TPKS Law really needs to be done. It can almost be glorified if it's just cheers. But in reality awareness of the perpetrators and victims, indeed demands this 'celebration'," said Putri as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 23.

"This is a legal stance that we have been fighting for for the last 10 years and is not a premature issue, it is even more urgent. I feel like this is an affirmation of momentum, not a glorification. We must oversee the implementation of the TPKS Law," he continued.

This "Yowis Ben" film actor revealed that the ratification of the TPKS Bill is proof that the state cares about the issue of sexual violence and dares to take a stand. However, the next question is how to implement it in accordance with the regulations made.

The TPKS Law consists of 8 chapters and 93 articles. In the drafting process, the DPR and the government involved 120 civil society groups.

This law includes nine forms of sexual violence, namely non-physical sexual harassment, physical sexual harassment, forced contraception, forced sterilization, forced marriage, electronic-based sexual violence, sexual torture, sexual exploitation and sexual slavery.

When compared with the initial proposal, two points were removed, namely rape and abortion. Physical and non-physical sexual harassment can occur anywhere and anytime, even in the family environment, educational institutions to the workplace.

Before the TPKS Law, the issue of sexual harassment was often ignored if there were complaints. Even in certain areas such as the entertainment industry, harassment is considered normal.

"For us, actors who are required to dare to open up and be vulnerable during filming, we have to be very good at keeping boundaries. We have all worked together for a long time. It could be that we fail to maintain our emotions and attitudes," explained Putri. .

With the TPKS Law, the entertainment world ecosystem has begun to make improvements and create boundaries so that all workers involved feel safe and comfortable.

"Currently, the regulations that have been put in place regarding sexual violence and respect conduct at shooting locations are not just a reminder or local regulation of PH but have real legal consequences," said the woman who was born on October 20, 1976.

Meanwhile, musician and activist Melanie Subono said she really appreciates the government's efforts to provide legal protection for victims of sexual harassment. However, this endorsement is only the first step in the struggle for women that has been going on for the past decade.

Women must work together to take care of each other and remind them to continue to guard so that the law can be applied according to the rules.

"So it's also the duty of women to guard it, women themselves must be aware of their rights because there are some things that women are not allowed to do but still do," said the "Free Merdeka" singer to ANTARA.

For Melanie, the biggest housework currently on the TPKS Law is not only on the government, but also on the women themselves to be willing to refuse or fight if there is harassment.

In fact, the ratification of the TPKS Law did not get 100 percent support from all Indonesian people, even from political parties. Not only that, some people feel that the law on sexual harassment is too much, especially if it happens in a household institution.

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) rejected the PKS Bill - before changing its name to the TPKS Bill - even this happened until the TPKS Bill was passed into law.

Referring to the 2016 draft, the PKS faction took issue with the phrase “consent to have sexual relations”. According to PKS, it should still be prohibited for those who are not officially married.

For example, when a husband forcibly asks his wife to have sex even though she has previously been refused, it can be categorized as sexual harassment. However, this is often considered a normal thing on the pretext that it is an obligation that must be fulfilled by the wife.

Not only that, PKS also objected to articles regarding forced abortion and forced marriage. The academic draft of the bill explaining sexual violence based on choices of different sexual orientations was also questioned.

"In cases like that which are stuck with cultural or religious words, people will say that this is too much. But we have seen the sexual cases ourselves, they are everywhere," Melanie said.

He continued, "If you have been on the side of the victim or the person who has experienced it, or has experienced it, they will definitely say that this (the TPKS Law) is too much."

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