
JAKARTA - Deddy Mizwar is an actor who has produced a number of films and soap operas. At the age of 67, he still looks active and fit to stay productive in the entertainment world.

The former governor of West Java also continues to maintain a healthy body. Uniquely, he uses petai as a therapy to control his blood sugar.

To Andre Taulany, Deddy Mizwar revealed the process of petai therapy that he is currently undergoing.

"Usually, I eat petai every day. I'm still on petai therapy. Boiled petai,” said Deddy Mizwar to Andre.

He also revealed that he also consumed the skin of the petai. Deddy Mizwar believes that eating petai can bring good benefits to the body.

“(Petai) is good for lowering uric acid. The skin. If the petai is (make) blood sugar. So our blood sugar is stable,” explained Deddy Mizwar.

"So the first hair we eat, our urine smells until the fourth and fifth day it doesn't smell good. Because detox. Four days of banana detox, the toxins in the body come out. In particular, blood sugar becomes stable, especially if we work like eating carelessly," he added.

Deddy Mizwar was seen carrying petai in a box. He explained that he always carried petai with him.

"The uric acid when you drink it on the first second day you feel the drop," he said.

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