
JAKARTA - Desiree Tarigan is a symbol of women who always fight for justice. Had a feud with Hotma Sitompul because he was kicked out of the house, now Desiree has succeeded in becoming an entrepreneur and influencer.

Desiree is a symbol of a woman who is strong and always fighting. Don't want to give up just like what he uploaded in the motivational video for life.

"Is there something he can't handle? He's been crushed. He's been knocked down. He feels pain that is almost insurmountable. There is a look of fear on his face from year to year," said the video in English which was translated by Desiree into Indonesian on the @mamitoko account. , quoted Monday, April 18.

"He never runs, never hides, he always finds a way to get up. He cannot be overthrown. He is a fighter, he is you," the motivational video concludes.

Apparently the video has motivated netizens. "Mom, you're wonderful, you're talented and inspiring me," wrote the netizen.

There are also those who associate the video with Hotma Sitompul. "Back when mom was still with people in the past, mom's household became my mecca to be harmonious until old age. Unfortunately even now I have to be alone like mommy, I feel pain all the time which may be the same. And again mom is my mecca to stay strong and patient, thank you for the positive energy," wrote another netizen.

"I can relate. You are amazing. Who's sorry now? You won. You're worthy," quipped another netizen who believed that Hotma regretted releasing Desiree.

Desiree's strength was also recognized by Rieta Amalia. Nagita Slavina's mother was sure Desiree had never felt physical pain. He also explained the reason why Desiree did not get sick easily.

"What is he doing, he's never sick. Do you believe it? Because he is 22 years old, he has been hurt, so he can't be sick," said Rieta Amalia in a video uploaded on Instagram.

“You said anything that hurt… he never got sick. So you don't have to talk about being sick because he's never been sick," he continued.

"Don't believe those words. Let's just say there isn't one," said Desiree Tarigan.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by