
JAKARTA - Nikita Willy is back on Instagram after giving birth to her first son in Los Angeles, United States on April 8. Her husband, Indra Priawan has uploaded a photo of their first child since his birth.

He did not upload many words other than the word Alhamdulillah as a form of gratitude. Indra also uploaded a photo of the first time Nikita hugged her baby. It looks like Nikita hugs him with love. The feeling of happiness can also be seen from Indra's upload when he sees the face of his baby.

Nikita Willy gave birth at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. This hospital is a subscription to many Hollywood artists. Starting from the Kardashian family to Victoria Beckham.

The hospital occupied by Nikita Willy is also where Kim Kardasian, Beyonce, Kylie Jenner and Victoria Beckham gave birth. The cost of giving birth there reaches US$ 4,000 or around Rp. 52 million per day.

Since her birth, Nikita has never made an upload on Instagram. After being discharged from the hospital, Nikita finally returned to being active on social media.

Through Insta Story, Nikita uploaded a photo of the heir to the Blue Bird transportation company in a car. Even though he was just born, the handsomeness of Nikita Willy's first son is already visible.

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