
JAKARTA - During fasting, proper nutritional intake becomes increasingly important because it can increase and maintain body immunity during Ramadan. Nutritionist Esti Nurwanti, S.Gz, RD, MPH, Ph.D said proper nutrition is needed for fasting. can run well and smoothly, and reduce the possibility of contracting the virus. According to Esti Nurwanti, one of the good sources of nutrition is fresh cow's milk because it has various ingredients that are good for our health. Fresh cow's milk has various benefits that can help maintain the immune system while we fast. One of them is to maintain and improve the body's immune system. "Because milk is one of the intakes whose nutritional content has many benefits to support the work of the body's immune system, such as protein, zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2, and calcium," said dr. . Esti in her statement, Sunday 10 April.dr. Esti recommends drinking milk regularly twice a day, at dawn and before going to bed. Drinking milk at dawn can increase lost body fluids and help provide a feeling of fullness longer because of the protein content in it.

Milk also contains calcium and a number of vitamins that the body needs, and helps strengthen the immune system while fasting. A glass of milk drunk at night will help you fall asleep faster thanks to the amino acids tryptophan and melatonin. In addition, tryptophan plays a role in increasing serotonin which can regulate mood or help as a mood booster, increase body relaxation, and also affect the production of the hormone melatonin in the cycle. Sleep is very important when fasting. Fresh milk also acts as an immunity booster with various good ingredients, especially protein. Protein is needed in carrying out many vital body functions, one of which is maximizing the work of the immune system in fighting various infections. "The protein content is also used to build muscle. As much as 90 percent of the protein content that can be found in drinks such as milk will be absorbed by the body for muscle (muscle). broken booster," said dr. esti.

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