
YOGYAKARTA – When you have extra time, but your body relaxes because your energy has been drained, you can fill it with simple activities. While waiting for iftar, you may not have the opportunity to do time-consuming work. That means, here are references that you can do to wait for iftar.

1. Reading

Both books, newspapers, magazines, can be read when you have free time. Regular reading makes a big difference in how you process information, according to Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., LMFT. Reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, April 5.

2. Arrange or put the cutlery

Constructive activities such as laying out eating utensils actually help make the mind more organized. According to Goldsmith, a psychotherapist and author based in Los Angeles, generally if the house is more organized then the mind will also be more organized.

mengisi waktu sebelum berbuka puasa
Illustration of filling time before breaking the fast (iStockphoto)
3. Collecting and disposing of trash

Disposing of garbage is a simple activity that is not complicated. But sometimes it gets complicated because you don't have free time. Now, while waiting to break your fast, you can pass the time by collecting unused paper, notes, or documents. Then separate organic and non-organic waste to throw it outside the house.

4. Reviewing social media accounts

Goldsmith's message, spending hours on social media isn't really social. That means you can manage more effectively in accessing your social media. You can choose the people closest to you and communicate casually with them. It won't take more than thirty minutes.

5. Throw away old documents

Both documents stored in digital files to obsolete envelopes, can be re-sorted which ones are still important and which are not. Maybe because you don't have time to clean up all the documents, you can pay them off little by little while waiting to break the fast.

6. Calling old friends

Sending a text message or email to someone who has been in your life can be done to pass the time while waiting to break the fast. Connecting with old friends, makes you and them feel better.

7. Pay attention to those closest to you

A few minutes means a lot to those closest to you. Especially if you don't have much time to mingle, then take advantage of the time just before breaking the fast. You can also pay attention to pets or ornamental plants at home. This isn't a bad way to pass the time, because sharing your attention can help you feel more secure.

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