
JAKARTA - Joko Anwar will mark his Hollywood debut by directing a film called Fritzchen which is adapted from Charles Beaumont's classic story. This news was shared by Deadline for the first time on Monday, April 4.

Fritzchen's story was published in Orbit magazine, which was published in 1953. The original Fritzchen story tells of a man's encounter with a mysterious creature on the beach. Joko Anwar will mix this sci-fi and horror story into a big screen presentation.

However, the official synopsis is not yet known. Joko Anwar will collaborate with Michael Voyer who will handle the script.

Fritzchen is produced by Village Roadshow which worked on several popular films such as Joker, The Matrix, Ready Player One, and many others.

On the same day, Joko Anwar uploaded a screenshot of the news via his Instagram account. This news was welcomed by filmmakers and fellow actors and actresses.

"Wow, congrats man," wrote Thai director Banjong Pisanthanakun.

"So proud Jok! Good luck with the project,” wrote Dee Lestari.

Joko Anwar himself is preparing Servant of Satan 2 which is planned to air this year. In addition, he is also busy with a number of productions of the Universe of Bumi Langit.

Charles Beaumont is a sci-fi writer who has produced works ranging from Twilight Zone, 7 Faces of Dr. Lao, and The Haunted Palace.

Meanwhile, the production has not gone along with the release date which has not been announced by the production house.

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