
JAKARTA - Erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain an erection of the penis during sexual intercourse. It is the most commonly reported sex problem in about 18 million people in the United States. Erectile dysfunction is also known as erectile dysfunction.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction can be exacerbated by age due to a decrease in the hormone testosterone. Yes, the ability to maintain an erection is largely regulated by sexual arousal, a complex process involving the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles, and blood vessels.

Although old age is the strongest reason for erectile dysfunction, physical and psychological factors can also cause erectile dysfunction.

Launching Very Well Health, Thursday, March 31, here are ways men can do to overcome erectile dysfunction.

Going on a diet

Eating a diet rich in natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish with less red meat and processed foods has been shown to reduce the chances of erectile dysfunction.

A study of more than 21,000 people found that men who followed the Mediterranean diet or a healthy diet were least likely to experience erectile dysfunction.


Regular exercise is especially helpful for those with erectile dysfunction caused by lack of movement, poor blood circulation, obesity, low testosterone, or cardiovascular disease.

Exercise lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, improves blood circulation throughout the body, and improves heart health. It is also a natural way to increase testosterone levels. Exercise also lowers the risk of vascular disease and diabetes, the two main causes of erectile dysfunction.

Manage blood pressure

High blood pressure damages blood vessels, which can reduce blood flow throughout the body, including the penis. Hardened and narrowed blood vessels make it difficult for blood to flow to the penis before intercourse

Erectile dysfunction may be an early warning sign of blood vessel damage. When your blood flows naturally, you can have a healthy erection. Natural arousal causes increased blood flow to your penis thereby causing an erection.

Test testosterone

Testosterone levels decrease with age. So it is important to check your testosterone levels if you experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Testosterone plays an important role in the male sexual response, including the desire for sex and the mechanism that triggers an erection.

Lower hormone levels are the main cause of erectile problems, although people with very normal testosterone levels can experience erectile dysfunction.

Avoid stress

Just like alcohol, stress interferes with the signals between the brain and body that are responsible for maintaining an erection. The brain plays a key role in triggering the series of physical events that cause an erection, starting with feelings of sexual arousal.

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