
JAKARTA - It is common knowledge that sleep is very important for physical and mental health. But despite this, there are still many people who ignore the importance of fulfilling daily sleep hours. The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per day as needed.

However, various factors such as stress, insomnia, and depression often interfere with rest time so that the required hours of sleep do not meet. To reduce this pressure, there are several activities you can do to relax so you can sleep well at night.

Sleeping in Dark Conditions

Ambiance is one thing that affects the quality of your sleep. Make your room conditions as comfortable as possible. The atmosphere of a comfortable and dark room can signal to the brain that it is time for you to sleep. In addition, dark room conditions will also trigger the production of the hormone melatonin which can trigger drowsiness.

Keep away from Electronic Devices

Cell phones are one thing that can make you procrastinate sleeping. In addition, electronic devices such as gadgets emit blue light which can suppress the production of the hormone melatonin when your room is in a dark condition.


It's good before bed you do relaxation. Breathing regularly before bed can make your body condition become calmer and eliminate the anxiety that is disturbing your mind.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

Coffee contains alcohol which will make it more difficult for you to sleep. In addition to coffee, alcohol can also make sleep quality to decline and disrupt the sleep cycle.

Limit Naps

Napping is good for the body. But naps that are too long can make it difficult for you to sleep at night. You should limit your nap time to no more than 20 minutes.

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