
JAKARTA - Like other netizens, Cinta Laura Kiehl also often does online shopping. Practically the main reason Love subscriptions online shopping. In fact, Cinta claimed to have experience piling goods in a shopping cart when shopping online.

Cinta also has the same habit as other consumers, who often pile up items in the shopping cart but never get paid or check-out.

"I used to do that, where there were no checkouts. That was when I was about to move house. So there was furniture like that that I wanted to buy, I was just looking for which one was better," said Cinta in a virtual press conference JD.ID BI6 Anniversary on Wednesday, March 30.

The singer of the song "Markisa" reasoned that this was not done intentionally because of hunger for the eyes. He wants to compare one product with another to make sure the item he buys is of the best quality.

"So it's not because I'm wishy-washy, I'm just looking for the best so I put the basket," he said.

JD.ID is Cinta's choice for shopping because it has guaranteed original features. His busy life in the entertainment world made him not have enough time to check one by one the items he wanted to buy.

So what items are most often purchased by Love? It turned out to be cat food.

"I have cats at home. They're really cute, so I often give them snacks, so they run out quickly. I'm also a very hygienic person, so I often buy cleaners too," said Cinta Laura Keihl.

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