
YOGYAKARTA – Parenting patterns shape the attitudes and behavior of children when they are adults. On the other hand, there are things that children do not forget from their parents. Like how to treat everyday to the example exemplified by his closest people, his father and mother.

If you imagine a perfect parent, of course it will be difficult. Even though every parent wants their job to be perfect in educating their children. But doesn't everyone have to go through a learning process and don't make mistakes, so they must be accepted with a big heart. This is a list of attitudes and things that children don't forget from their parents.

1. How to express love

Positive and negative feelings are part of every parent-child relationship. Attention, protection, anger, kindness, affection, and trust are some of the actions of parents to pour out their love.

This is something that not only children remember, but also affects their emotional, psychological, and social aspects when they grow up. This is evidenced by a study at Harvard, reported by Family Today, Tuesday, March 29, which found a warm relationship between parents and children will develop.

hal yang diingat anak dari orang tuanya
Illustration of what children remember from their parents (Pexels/Yan Krukov)
2. The way you discipline

Just as we remember how our parents taught us discipline. If you feel frustrated because your child is having a hard time getting used to discipline, it may be the same as what your parents experienced. We can also learn from childhood, that yelling and hitting does not make children more disciplined. Instead, they can fight back with aggression.

Well, you can discipline children with positive discipline techniques. That is, strategies for pursuing them manage behavior, guard against harm, and promote healthy development. For example, by providing examples, agreeing on rules consistently, and agreeing with the consequences.

3. Children remember time with family

Spending time together is a precious moment for children. This time not only builds stronger family relationships, but also affects healthy social and emotional skills. No need for complicated planning to enjoy togetherness in the family, just eat together.

4. The example you give

Researcher Brené Brown writes that who we are and how we engage with the world are much stronger predictors of how our children will do. It builds on the way you nurture, set an example, and answer their questions. Indirectly, this method reduces the values held by children. Like about how to be kind, responsible, loyal, empathetic, and patient.

5. Family habits

Family habits or traditions are 'understood' by children as identity. Apart from creating lasting memories, family traditions also strengthen family ties. Marriage and family therapist Bryan Zitsman advises parents to keep traditions simple but focus on strengthening love and togetherness.

The five things above are unforgettable moments for children. Besides being a sweet memory for them, it indirectly shapes their character when they grow up.

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