
YOGYAKARTA – The pandemic has changed habits, including the daily routine of wearing makeup. Before the pandemic, you were free to travel and move without restrictions. However, when the COVID-19 virus needs to be responded to by changing habits, namely getting used to hybrid activities. At one time it is necessary to go to the office and at other times work from home. This routine also changes how a person applies makeup.

In lifestyle, known as skinimalism also slightly affects the choice of wearing makeup. And what has become a trend since entering the pandemic, is hybrid makeup which is also useful as skincare.

According to John Jimenez, senior science researcher at Belcorp Colombia, as reported by In-Cosmetics Connects, Monday, March 28, hybrid makeup is one of the trends driven by the pandemic. It responds to consumer needs to save time and money.

You are certainly familiar with the 'first generation' of hybrid cosmetics, such as BB and CC creams. The product is multifunctional, or 2-in-1. Both products are popular in Asia, and over the longer term, the following trends are formulated for hybrid makeup.

Toner that is useful as a serum

Toner is useful for cleaning blemishes and anti-aging. Currently, with a hybrid formula, toner can be used as a mask as well as a serum. According to Jimenez, this is a revolution from cosmetic products that we know as toners.

Multiuse shadows

You don't need to have a lot of product to create the perfect, colorful shadow on your face. This multipurpose product can be used for eyeshadow, highlighter, lip gloss, as well as blusher.

Minimize waste

Called single-use tablets, one of the hybrid products can be of great use without leaving a trace of packaging waste. This product also provides practicality and ease of use. This trend that carries the spirit of minimalism carries products that can be used for masks, skin care, make-up, as well as body care.

In addition to the multi-purpose advantages in caring for as well as makeup and minimizing waste, technology is also developing. Not only for facial skin, but related to hair care to body care with 3D and 4D applications. Each product has advantages offered, ranging from texture, fragrance, multiple benefits, to practicality.

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