
JAKARTA - There is no denying that being a mother is a tough job. Children who cry, fuss, fight over toys, fight, refuse to eat, messy house, or lack of rest are a mother's biggest source of stress.

Sometimes when you are down, you may think that you want to be free from all these burdens. I really wanted to go out and enjoy some time alone, without the kids. Thoughts about freedom in the past when you did not have children sometimes also wander.

Elizabeth Scott, MS, wellness coach and author of 8 Keys to Stress Management, adapts Parenting, Wednesday, March 23, says that stress is a natural thing experienced by a mother. According to her, the best way to reduce stress is to have fun as a mother. This can be done by really enjoying time with children. "Make the best use of the gifts and gifts of being a mother," she said.

She shares 4 things to keep in mind when you're stressed about parenting:

Children Come To Bring Happiness

Children do make your responsibilities even bigger. But, kids are the masters when it comes to having fun. They find happiness in many things that you might take for granted such as playing with bubbles, playing with noodles while eating, playing with toys, and so on. “Seeing the world through their eyes and experiencing things from a new perspective can help you enjoy the world around you in a fresh way,” says Scott.

Also, always remember the joy you felt the first time your little one managed to lie on his stomach alone, when he saw he was able to walk on his own, or when he confidently entered school on his own. All of that will make you happy.

Little Memories

The little one suddenly poured flour all over the kitchen floor. This makes you angry. It's easy for you to wish you could speed up time so that this thing passes quickly. However, recalling some memories of when your little one learned to crawl, his laughter when you asked him to play, or when you brushed his soft hair will bring you back to calm.

Remember That Time Will Pass

When you want to quickly get out of the things that are stressing you out, remember that time will pass. You won't experience this in a long time. All the needs of a baby, the demands of a toddler, his crying when he is about to go to school, tantrums in public, the difficulty of toilet training, all will pass and disappear. You will never experience it again. Children grow more independent and can minimize your help.

When the kids get older and have their own busy lives, you can no longer stay with them. In fact, you also need to relent if your child has other things to do than go for a walk with you.

Connection with the Past

Having children, makes you connect with your childhood. Scott says that if you love your childhood, then give your children the same wonderful experiences you have. This will not only be a good experience for them, but also for your beautiful memories.

On the other hand, if your childhood wasn't everything you wanted it to be, you can provide a better experience for your own children. In addition to aiming to provide better, this can also be a healing therapy for you.

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